Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Okay....Here I Am

Thank you to those that checked in or emailed to lend your support. I'm feeling much better now and things are looking up.
Hubby and daughter on the mend... two thumbs up!!
We signed up for the waiting child program with our agency...wait and see. We now are officially on the waiting list of the waiting child program with our adoption agency. Occasionally, our agency will get referrals with pictures and info of children in China's waiting child program. Typically, these children are a little older and may have some type of physical impairment or other disability. We have chosen to do this for a multitude of reasons which I think I'll talk about in another post. We're excited and hopeful that we will be matched with a child soon.
Hubby and I are going away for our first weekend away together in THREE YEARS!! Long overdue I tell you and much anticipated. I'm nervous about leaving N but it's just something that needs to happen for the well-being of everyone in the family. Time to rest, recharge, and reconnect. I'll post a trip report and pics next week.
I like the picture looks so peaceful. I am can imagine riding my bike or taking a long summer's evening walk here. Hoping this weekend will be filled with moments like these.


Steffie B. said...

We are signed up for the waiting child list with our agency too.....I guess time will tell where our journey will lead us!

Glad the fam is on the mend.

Have a wonderful weekend with your hubby!