Wednesday, May 30, 2007

What Did She Say???

A few pictures to begin with...Natalie showing us the cool photo on her cell phone of Ariel. She takes pictures with her phone. Where she learned this, I have no idea. Neither of her parents have a phone that takes pictures...
N & G so sweet. These were taken on Mother's Day.
N & E... G's older sister...both are beauties huh?
Three peas in a pod. These cousins love each other so much. They are too cute together. I hope you girls are always this close!
It's hot today up here in the 85 degrees which is a little too hot for moi. 70-75 and I'm a happy girl. Get over 80 and I'm not lovin it anymore. At least it's sunny. And!!! We finally have a place to sit outside and enjoy the weather. We have lived in our home for almost 6 years and have never had a patio table to sit at. We were thinking that we wouldn't be in this house for very long and were holding off really doing much with it. I'm a city girl and currently live in the suburbs. I always thought that we would move back down to the city but that hasn't happend yet and, since having children, I find I like it here. Also, I'm not currently working (which means no cashola to move) and we have made some great friends, etc. so we're thinking that we'll be here for quite some time and will be making some changes. Our backyard needs some serious help. We had a landscape designer out last year and she came up with a beautiful plan for us but it's on hold until the adoption is complete. We'll do little things here and there to start making some changes but the big things will come later.
Most of the weekend we were out looking at patio sets or cleaning out our house in preparation for the big community garage sale coming up on Saturday. I love to purge my life of clutter (which you would never know by visiting our home on any given day, but I try) and it is so liberating to throw it out. Funny how some stuff seems so important at one point in your life and then so easy to get rid of at another. Potty training was hit and miss because we were gone so much. I hadn't anticipated that so it kind of made it difficult. But, we have worked on it this week and today was the first day that she has been in panties all day!!! Yee Haw...I think I see a glimmer of hope!
I also made it out with my mom to some of the family and friends gravesites on Memorial Day. I was surprised to see so many others out as well. I haven't seen that in years past. Oh, we also saw Pirates of the Carribean on Saturday night. It was good. Being the Disney nuts that we are, we love all of the references to the ride throughout the movie. Loved hearing the "dead men tell no tales" at one point. I want to go back...
The title to this post refers to these little gems from N over the weekend... and I quote:
"I'm too pooped to pop" (which she has learned from her book Froggy Goes to Bed - I have never heard her use it in the correct context before...)
While riding in the car and being told that the Dora CD is not to be found...she replies "it's all good in the hood" okay, I was drinking water during that one and it came up and out my nose, I was laughing so hard. Thanks to daddy watching Adult Swim and Robot Chicken for that one...the original quote is "it's all good in the hood baby"..can't wait for her to say that at school or something...nice
While N was in the bathtub...I just had turned off the hair dryer and heard N, in a very matter of fact voice saying, "You have to wash your hair's really not a big deal.." all while holding her Aladdin doll and shaking her head. Wonder where she came up with that


Steffie B. said...

Out of the mouths of babes I tell ya! lol

Emmie said...

lol...too cute! Atleast it wasn't something worse right?
Sure sounds like you have been keeping busy! I saw the Pirates of the Caribbean as was long but indeed pretty good! ;)